By our, I mean Australia and by PM for you Yankies, a President. I'm sick of all this Bull-S*** about 'hung Parliment' and all of this campaining crap, I just want to watch the news without being flooded by the word Election! I personally am too young to vote, but just keep the Ranga ( Julia Gillard, current PM ) in and get Tony Abbot to quit the politics and go back to his dumpster. So I ask all of you NG user's, who would you vote for, the Ranga or the Hobo?
~Chaos Moomoo
TBH man, Abbot is better than Gillard for x number of reasons
1. Shes a woman
2. She knows fuck all about politics
3. The boats keep coming
4. She wasted 1.4 million dollars on schools for shit they didn't even need E.g school x needed 50 new computers but instead got a new library, which they already had
5. Her views on climate change are fucking retarded. Do you know what she fucking said. She said that she was going to pick 150 random Australians and they are going decide what Australia does with climate change. Evil a blind mute deaf retarded 6 year old (the 2nd lowest life form on earth, 1st being miss Gillard of course) would have a smarter idea than that. if it were 150 scientists it would sound alright, but not 150 randoms **facepalm**.
and so i rest my case
Now that I think about, I guess your right, but I just want all of this Election Bull-S*** over with!
I underestand your logic of thinking. Thanks for making me realise that!